School News

What is like being in the Circle of Courage Student Council?

     As the facilitator, it is very inspiring to see students come together and share their concerns and
ideas. We're only two meetings in, but already I feel that the representatives have much potential for making a positive difference around the school.

What are your meetings like so far?

Both meetings have been very constructive. The reps have been very passionate about their

concerns and the school climate.

During the first meeting we brainstormed in groups and discussed what the four elements of

the Circle of Courage (Generosity, Independence, Mastery, and Belonging) meant to the

representatives. Rather than recreating textbook definitions, the representatives defined the

four elements in terms of their own experiences and lives as students at DeWitt Middle School.

During our second meeting we broke into groups and discussed issues that concern students at
DeWitt Middle School. Many issues were discussed at this meeting and included: bullying,

behavior issues on the bus, and picking up messes at lunch.

What are some issues you think DeWitt should address?

I will be happy with whatever students decide to address and will support them in any way

possible. The Council was created so that students will have more of a voice around the school.

 The Circle of Courage Google Classroom also gives all students in the school the ability to vote

and comment on whatever issues are discussed. I think it’s great that we have technology that

gives all students this ability.

Why is the Circle of Courage important to you?

The Circle of Courage Student Voice Council is important to me because it empowers students

by giving them an opportunity to express themselves and their concerns. It’s also important to

me since the Council will help students develop their own voice and identities, develop life skills

and improve DeWitt’s school climate.